
Slumdog Millionaire Dark fairy tale

Characters quite a lot of depth, with deep, such as "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire," the host, are representative of the typical image of a modern society, dressed rich over the poor take part in Games Jamaal head at the scene, and the ugly soul forced on the concealed In this glossy appearance, he can make use of all to achieve their own purposes, including any time the secretion of goodwill and warmth - all of these in his merchandise and tools. When his lies were exposed when the noodle in front of the audience he would not reveal inner angry, but full of warm congratulations to Gemma, but subsequent to the police frame-up, the arrest of COGEMA. Host to a false answer to lure Gemma are taken in that scene is very vivid - indeed, on a society steeped in years of chameleon could use his accumulated strength of the age (although this strength never came from his own), lightly the ruin of a fledgling children's innocence (think about the "Women" and the principals, "Bad Boy of the skies" old boxer bar), and early had the experience of the cruelty of the world and humanity's Gemma see through him, Choose the correct answer, which is actually a very romantic details - although the near-fairy tale.

"Slums millionaire" so moving is that it make a real darkness and cruel, at such a cruel and has not given up their ideals and innocence. Paragraphs of the movie seems a lot of fairy tale, but this fairy tale is cruel destruction swap. The film has not yet abandoned the ideal of sustenance, are the main character Gemma. He did not like his brother al relic as their own strength and ambition to pursue what she wants, he just never give up. Signature for an idol can be jumped into the pit, he does not give up partner, was born days after the run back to the fire pit is still trapped in gangs looking for partners, love him a person, regardless of how time and environment changes, is still the same way as Forrest Gump No change. He did not have any heroic feat, horrified at the act, he just has not abandoned, do not give up. This figure to allow mediocrity busy we are ashamed, alarmed.

Gemma eventually won millions in prize money, the sitting in the corner, at the moment does not change his slum changes to millionaires, but by their own efforts and with the reunion of friends and lovers. After heroine with Gemma after their frustrations finally embrace together, are fleeing heroine's face in return for scars, it reminded the audience of each, the world is cruel beyond imagination of each person once, but still have a lot of things for us to insist, trace.

I like Gemma won the grand prize, the all-Indian audience was jubilant scenes of celebration, Gemma won money吗? Not exactly. Those viewers get anything at all? Only darkness at the unfairness of such a society, Gemma is a fairy tale, a dream that they are more than sustenance.

The U.S. moved no more than this.

