
Slumdog Millionaire years that the first "Dreamsonfire" lyrics ...

You Are My Waking Dream, You’ re All Thats Real To Me
You Are The Magic In The World I See
You Are In The Prayer I Saying, You Are In My Two My Names
You Are The Faith That Make Me Belive
Dreams On Fire, Higher N Higher
Pasion Burning, Ride On The Path, Once For Forever Yours
In Me, All Your Heart, Dreams On Fire, Higher N Higher

You Are My Ocean Rage, You Are My Thought Each Day
You Are The Laughter From Childhood Games
You Are Things Further Down, You Are Where I Belong
You Are Make Me Feel In Every Songs
Dreams On Fire, Higher N Higher, Pasion Burning
Ride On The Path, Once For Forever Yours, In Me
All Your Heart, Dreams On Fire, Higher N Higher

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